Underland by Robert Macfarlane is a fascinating non-fiction read in The Lazy Book Club.

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3x03 'Useful'

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Wed Jun 05, 2019 5:30 pm

3x03 'Useful'

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Tue Jun 25, 2019 6:12 pm

How can this series continue to be so relentlessly good?

We find out a bit more about Commander Lawrence, what motivates him. And it seems the man is all about science. He wants to find solutions to the natural and economic disasters facing the country. But he is as misogynistic as the rest of them. Has some science to back him up on the inferiority of women. :roll: Yet, he makes allowances for super smart women, such as Emily, because the only thing he respects is intellect. He begins to respect June more once she starts challenging him. Delivering some home truths about how he only does some good things to be able "to sleep better at night" having been instrumental in creating this hell on Earth.

Of course, Commander Lawrence sees his actions as allowing deliberate diffusing of the growing tension of the resistance. "Letting them off steam", I think, that's what he said. Now it is a well practiced method in dictatorships, to allow some artists to be creatively critical, so the masses can relate and feel justified in their grievances and be satisfied with a passive level of resistance. Here it's different. He allows certain escapes to happen, because he can't help being somewhat impressed by these women. He might also think it's the best way to keep on eye on the resistance, by being considered as a sympathetiser.

So we see Commander Lawrence is all tied up believing in the greater good, not having much or successfully suppressing human compassion for the most part, except the odd surprising moments when it surfaces. On the whole, June spent this episode figuring out how to relate to him and how to make use of him and her situation being in his household. And she finds the way, by the end of the episode. Harrowingly, she also must succumb to the notion of "the greater good". Rather than having nothing to do with the horrendous task of saving just five women out of the hundreds condemned to die in the colonies, she changes her mind and focuses on the five she can save, and picks them purposefully for being assets in the resistance.

June also continues to play Waterford like a fiddle. And now she has Serena as an ally well, playing the "you're a mother too now, so you must help other mothers" trump card. This is a cleverly constructed web June's weaving. Fascinating to see it in operation. She is indeed becoming a master manipulator.

Serena's scenes at her mother's house were heartwrenching. Being forced into a frumpy dress, the pray circle turning into a pressure group spouting Gilead doctrines, her own mother unable to comfort and relate to her daughter. Serena realising she has no one to turn to. She can either put an end to it and die, which she quickly reconsiders. She walks right past Fred like he wasn't even there, and goes to see June. She doesn't even know why. She thinks, it's just to reminisce together about Nicole. June being the only one to understand her. But then of course June leads her to the next level, where she's been heading to for a while now. It's time for these women to form a strong allience not jut to survive under this dreadful regime but to bring it down. Like for most people, it had to become personal, to spur her into action.

I wonder if they're gonna get Aunt Lydia too, by this rate. :57: She's on the verge of a meltdown too, that's for sure.

I loved the symbolism of the little green finger prosthesis Rita made for Serena. She meant it kindly. But it has ultimately become a choice: cover it up or let the mutiliation be seen for what it is: a constant reminder. I hope she won't wear it again. (Though how that could be filmed, I don't know. :017: ) Of course we can interpret her taking it off and leaving it on the beach as a way to let people know she took her own life. We'll see. I might be reading too much into it.

Still. What a brilliant episode.

One thing for criticism. If they brought Nick back and showed us June "reconnect" with him, could we not have had a conversation between them following the "reconnection"? Has Nick now calmed down and able to see June's decisions for what they are? Have they resolved their disagreement or just had goodbye/comfort sex?
I would like to know where they stand with each other now.

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Sat Jul 20, 2019 3:32 pm

I really cannot add much to your description and ponderings of the episode. :08:

So many shades of grey - yes, June picked 5 women for the resistance. These are hard lose/lose choices. A throng of people could shout out it wasn't fair, it wasn't enough, it set a precedent for class wars regarding worth, etc. etc. etc. So many characters are dealing with the lesser of two evil type choices. Of course June could reply that we are building the army to save so many more eventually. That, of course, is the only path forward. Yet, the youngest and most innocent girl was surely killed for not being chosen...is intellect more desirable than the budding beautiful soul? Collateral damage. These decisions are instructive on the hard choices made by any society and the imperfect nature of equity.

Regarding Nick - that was a bit sparse, wasn't it? June believes he will die. My guess is he will disappear and they will meet again later in the revolution. I cannot believe all these two have been through.

Serena...she will be searching for her place in this world she helped create, now that she has made the decision to live. I, too, wonder if she leaves the prosthesis behind. I wondered if the attitude of her mother related directly to fear; fear of losing her own position in this society. No doubt, she has suffered from her daughter's actions and that is why she is railing so hard against this new turn of events. It is very hard to watch. I don't remember if Serena's parents were ever showcased in "the before". Perhaps that is where Serena learned her cold fish act. She has so much less to lose now, it will be interesting to see where this leads.

Onward, PICs!

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